We want you to capture images of tools used in various hobbies or professions. The focus is on showcasing the tools as the dominant feature, either individually or in groupings, and can include the tools in use or alongside the projects they help create.
As always with print images, members can enter 2 images into the colour competition and 2 entries into the monochrome competition.
As always with projected competitions, you can enter 2 images.
Please submit images (sized to 1600 x 1200) to Darren by Tuesday 18 March.
We’re after images of your (or someone else’s!) beloved pets.
The annual inter-club competition between Chesterfield, Dronfield and James Maude (Mansfield) clubs at St Thomas’s Church Hall.
Try and capture the essence of sports and games, ranging from professional sports to casual games.
As always with print images, members can enter 2 images into the colour competition and 2 entries into the monochrome competition.
As always with projected competitions, you can enter 2 images.
Please submit images (sized to 1600 x 1200) to Darren by Tuesday 13 May.
It was the colour of imperial authority in Roman times, and now we want to see your images which focus on the colour purple.
A competition to mark the club’s 60th birthday!
As always with print images, members can enter 2 images into the colour competition and 2 entries into the monochrome competition.